Flottustu listdansbúningar skauta í gegnum árin: Myndir

Vetrarólympíuleikarnir eru í uppáhaldi hjá mörgum en nú fara þeir fram í PyeongChang í Suður-Kóreu. Flottustu búningar keppninnar eru sennilega í listdansi á skautum, og ekki bara búningar kvennanna heldur líka karlanna. Síðan fyrstu Vetrarólympíuleikarnir voru haldnir árið 1924 hefur margt breyst..kíktu á meðfylgjandi myndir!

Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, 1984 There's so much happening here with these ombre, pleated, billowing sleeves. They're like a net to catch Torvill.

Katarina Witt, 1988 Witt is German, but America can take some credit for this cowboy-inspired costume. This same year, she also competed to Michael Jackson's Bad while wearing a leather jacket.


Rosalynn Sumners, 1984 Sumners's argyle cardigan in pastel colors could be straight out of Clueless or Gossip Girl.

Surya Bonaly, 1992 Those pom-pom sleeves! Those shoulder epaulettes! That color! Unsurprisingly, this look was designed by Christian Lacroix, the French haute couture designer.

Elvis Stojko, 1994 Stojko brought Hot Topic to the Olympic

Johnny Weir, 2006 One word- dramaaaa


Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko, 1998 At f But if you look closer, there's also a snake motif that wraps around the body, as well as a bush at the crotch. Cheeky!

Michelle Kwan, 1998 Would wear this velvet minidress to the club, no question

Nancy Kerrigan, 1994 This black-and-white leotard designed by Vera Wang stands out among other, more flamboyant ice-skating costumes because it's so minimalist and sharp.

Natalia Bestemianova and Andrei Bukin, 1988 Only these matching gilded outfits could rival this couple's incredible '80s hair

Oksana Baiul, 1994 The pink feather trim on Baiul's Barbie-pink leotard gives her wings.

Peggy Fleming, 1968 Fleming looks like Jackie O. on ice, with a low beehive hairdo and pearl embellishments around her neck and wrists.

Sonja Henie, 1932 This silk dress with couture-looking floral embellishments on the sleeves is a look you could wear from the ice to a fancy dinner party.

Susanna Rahkamo and Petri Kokko, 1992 Rahkamo and Kokko look like they're going to prom together, but in a good way.

Tonya Harding, 1994 Cheer up Tonya, your rhinestones l


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